1/6th Scale / Dolls / Reviews

Squidgy boobs

A while ago Joann was so kind and gave me an Obitsu body with those soft breasts as a gift. She so sweet to me~ *warm and fuzzies* Well, I checked it over, made a cute girl outta her a few weeks back but just haven’t posted about it until now… Well, Out of a scale of 10 I’d give Obitsu a 6. Volks would be up around 8. The thing that gets me about this obitsu body is that it’s so cheeeeap. Here’s the lowdown on why 6…

  1. The plastic is such a toy-ish kind of plastic, you know what I mean? The plastic feels cheap. It’s a light plastic that looks and feels like barbie torso plastic… but it’s the whole doll. It also squeaks when you move the joints, gets annoying after awhile.
  2. The thigh seams aren’t glued together so if you bend a little too much, her leg just explodes into pieces and you gotta sit there putting her back together again. Her torso is the same way. Instead of being a ball joint, it’s just a peg that sits in a hole. So you bend the body and she just separates. I admit I find it fun to pop her torso on and off like a pen cap but XD it’s not good!
  3. Her hands and feet are discolored!!!!
  4. Her boobs aren’t squidgy enough… They are soft, but not soft enough for her to really push around. And when they do squish, it displaces the vinyl somewhere else. So you squeeze the boobs together and the vinyl at the base of her neck puffs up, or one shoulder flairs up. Sounds like a dumb complaint, but why else would you want soft boobs for in the first place? They need to replace it with a silicon that expands, not displaces.

Here’s what I do like about the body tho. If it weren’t for these features, the body would have scored way worse:

  1. I like the proportions, she’s thinner than a regular Volks body and she makes a sexy silhouette.
  2. Yea yea Squidgy boobs… ya can’t beat that. And they blush soooo nicely.
  3. Her hands… although discolored, are nicely molded and are soft rubber so they give a little.

More pics of squidgy gal. Not work safe, sorry they’re nudies for the sake of seeing how squidy those boobs are.
Squidgy 1
Squidgy 2

Would I buy one? No… not unless they improve upon the points that I’ve listed. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to play with the one I have. I think I’m better off buying those silicon torso add ons on YJ for Volks bodies though. At least they will squish right. XD



YJ surfin' time...

June 16, 2003