Auctions / Dolls / Rants

Lament of Tekutama

I’m so upset. This auction closed around 5000 yen… I soooo could have bid and won this head. =_= It’s a modified Obitsu #3 (on a regular go guy body) and it’s by Leila-san (Tekutama), by far my favorite doll customizer in Japan. *throws head in hands and sobs* He’s so handsome!

On another note…

The YJ customizer Raphael’s style is great! I am really starting to want one of their dolls.

And Takeuchiatsuko also. While these two artist’s face paint might not be as smooth and watercolory as some of the better known artists, their style is very unique and distinct. I wouldn’t mind having several of their dolls to add to my Japanese customizer’s collection (which has a total of what? 2 dolls? Kyon and Fuego de Noche) XD

Yes I woudn’t mind at all! It’s GOOD! *double thumbs up*


2 tones of skin?

July 18, 2003

Can't do it!

July 22, 2003