1/6th Scale / Dolls / I made this! / What the?

100th ENTRY!!!!!!!!!!!! (it’s a doozy!)

*throws confetti in the air*
YES! This is the 100th entry in my doll blog. Yay!!! So many milestones for my blog these few past weeks.

Now…. Those of you faint of heart might wanna skip the rest of this blog entry. Erica and I were chatting and she produced a photo of the first doll she EVER painted, ever. And it was not that bad of a paint job, at all… in fact it looked better than most Barbie repaints I see on eBay. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for my first doll. I recall going through my Barbie junk box the other day and seeing MY first repaint ever in there too… so I dug her out and snapped a photo. So for your amusement, and my eternal humiliation (more like amusement), I present to you the FIRST doll I EVER painted in my entire life (circa Summer 1998). EVER. EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes yes please hold the gut busting laughter until I end this entry please (not that I can contain my laughter myself, *tears in eyes from laughing so much*). XD The doll was painted with a sized 1 brush with Tamiya brand paints. Up to that point I had never painted on a 3-D surface so the results were… shall we say…. Less…. than… satisfactory….. …. uh yea. XD *starts busting out in laughter again* I had a general understanding of how to paint on dolls, but as far as materials and technique, I was pretty clueless. That’s why I make it such a point to share this kinda stuff with people who want to learn. No sense in seeing people make the same mistakes *tries to hold in laughter* that I did.

Erica, she cracks me up… she was all “Well her eyebrows look… even tho”. *dies of laughter* I didn’t paint the eyebrows, those are her originals!!! XD I got so frustrated painting I didn’t GET that far. LMAO!!!!!!! I told her, she doesn’t have to be nice about it, this is a very ugly doll and a very poor paint job. After I said that, she said told me something that made me laugh so hard! I won’t repeat here because it was MEAN but SOOO TRUUUUUUE!!! But no offense taken at all Erica! *hugs* LOL!

So for all of you who claim you can’t paint and I’ve never done anything like this before and nya nya nya… Just take a look at this doll. If *I* can paint decently now after doing some major freak of nature like this. ANYONE can do this stuff. I PROMISE.

Okay NOW you can laugh! Excuse me while I go burn this poor doll and put her outta her misery. *dies*



Spoiled brat

August 8, 2003

Photo studio?

August 9, 2003