Dolls / Randomness

Burning the midnight oil…

*whimpers* I’m so tired… I wanna crawl in bed and sleep. =.= Zzzz…

I have too many doll commissions I gotta work on. Right now I’m finishing Seph’s kitty boy. She’s getting much more than she bargained for. I added his ears and a nice little collar and I kind of felt guilty that he only had his collar to wear. So I finished up leggings and underwear for him, just like the rest of my kitties. Completed he looks so… snotty purebred (except his collar). Now I’m adding in his extra hair. I’m doing it the real way and dammit. It’s taking forever. But I wanna do this right. Black kitty is eyeballing him. He wants to play. XD

I don’t think I’ll get to KatieKat’s doll before Saturday. Such a shame because I wanted to give her a cute present when I get to meet her in person. But… I will hafta send it to her in the mail or something (drive it over to her place??). Wouldn’t have been so bad if I had a rooted head I could have used.

*sigh* Tigger just sneezed on me. Thanks for the snot filled kiss, Tiggy.


Missed packages!

September 4, 2003

Goodies from Japan!

September 5, 2003